Manifest Inquiry & Listing - AP 11

You can review and print manifest data from the receipts file. Use this program to match A/P invoices to receipts before or after vouchering them.

The Manifest Inquiry program is also available from the Inventory Receipts Menu, option INB 11.

  1. Select option 11 - Manifest Inquiry and Listing.
  2. Field Description
    Supplier The supplier you are inquiring about. This field is mandatory, as multiple suppliers can use the same manifest numbers.
    Manifest The manifest number you are inquiring about.
    Total Received The total value of the material on the manifest, which is the total of the extended base costs on the manifest.
    Rcpt# The receipt numbers assigned when material was received.
    Item Number The item numbers on the receipts.
    Quantity The quantity received per line.
    UM The unit of measure related to each quantity.
    Unit Cost The base unit cost of each item shown.
    Extended Cost The extended base cost of each item. (Qty x base unit cost)
    Cost Centers This field is not labeled. The breakdown of totals by cost center is shown at bottom left of screen.

  3. Enter a supplier and a manifest number and the details of the manifest are displayed. If you do not know the complete manifest number, enter the first few numbers/characters of the manifest number and press Enter. The program will indicate that the manifest was not found, but you can press F2 to step through each manifest for that supplier.
  4. The manifest inquiry displays each receipt and line item on the manifest. The main purpose of the manifest inquiry is to help reconcile receipts to accounts payable billing. Therefore, the base cost is prominently displayed (material only). Base cost is what will match your suppliers' billing for the material cost. You may see the freight cost by pressing F11 for the Alternate view as shown below.
  5. Field Description
    Receipt Date The date of the receipt, as recorded in the receipts file.
    S/N The serial number, if any, assigned to the material on the receipt.
    Other Reference The information, if any, entered into the Other Reference field of the Receipts Program. This can also be filled in via EDI transmissions. This field will only display if it contains information.
    Freight Cost The freight portion of the cost of each received line.
    Extended Freight Cost This cost is calculated by multiplying the quantity received by the unit freight cost.

  6. Press F11 again to return to the main view.
  7. Enter option X to select a line item.
  8. The line item screen displays the details of that receipt line, and allows the following updates to be made.
    • You can change the base unit cost of the item, if you are authorized to change cost (in your user control panel).
    • You can change the quantity received, if you are authorized to change quantities (in your user control panel).
    • The line item screen displays the related purchase order number, and you may further drilldown to the purchase order by pressing F21.
    • The serial number and bin location are also shown. The bin location is the bin location as entered on the receipt. Note: it is possible that the material is no longer in that location, or no longer onhand. The Qty Onhand/This Ser#/Loc field shows you how much, if any, of the originally received material is still in that bin location.
    • If you change the base cost, the receipt is corrected. The system adds a line to the receipt which reverses the original line, and adds a new line with the new base cost. Any subsequent manifest will display the adjustments, and the total value of the manifest is updated. If all of the material is still in the original location of receipt, then the inventory is also updated to reflect the new base cost. If some or all of the inventory has been sold or moved from the original location, that portion of the inventory is NOT updated. In this case, you can still balance the suppliers' invoice to the manifest, but the affect on inventory will show on the Inventory Reconciliation Report as a cost variance, rather than as a receipt. The cost variance column of the Inventory Reconciliation Report should be booked as an adjusting GL entry to the general ledger.
    • If you change the quantity of a receipt, the total value of the manifest is updated. The program adds a line to the receipt/manifest number which reverses the original line, and adds a new line with the new quantity. The program does not allow you to create negative onhand inventory. Therefore, you can only adjust the quantity downward to no less than the remaining onhand quantity in the original location.
    • When a cost or quantity is changed, you are returned to the main manifest view, with the adjustment lines showing as follows:

  9. In the example above, REX4118 was updated from a cost of 3.589 to 4.589.